We strive to present you with the best possible final product for your project, and in order to do that, we need your content to be in high quality, production ready digital media format. All text, video, photographs, graphics and other material provided by you must be delivered to us before work can commence on your project. All materials should be production ready, in their final form with no future revisions necessary.
Logo submissions must be provided in vector format. A vector format allows the logo to be made bigger or smaller without losing image quality and clarity. Preferred vector formats are:
- Adobe Illustrator AI
- Postscript EPS
Please note that a .jpg, .gif or .png file is not a vector format and may not represent your logo at its best. Depending on its size the logo may need to be redrawn by our graphic design department to be useable. The higher resolution the better (300dpi is preferred). If this is required, we will contact you to discuss the addition charges that will be incurred before we proceed.
Digital Images
Digital images should be provided at the highest resolution possible, to allow for the best optimization of the images for the web.
- For web ready images, JPG, PNG, or GIF formats at 72dpi are required
- For images to be converted for the web, PSD, AI, EPS, JPG, PNG, TIFF or GIF formats at 300dpi are preferred
If media is sourced from a 3rd party, you must provide information on the legal permissions which have been obtained for the use of the material. If attribution is required, details must be provided to us before work commences.
Digital Video
Digital video should be provided in Full HD 1080p whenever possible. While we have the ability to upconvert from lower resolution (even standard definition) the quality of the image will not be as crisp and clear.
Preferred file formats:
- AVI, MOV, H.264
- Ideal minimum 1080p resolution
If your video is on a DVD or Blu-Ray you may provide us with a physical copy of the media, and we will rip it using the optimum settings. (There may be an additional cost associated with this service)
Text Content
Text content should be provided in a publication ready state with no formatting. Please use the following guidelines when submitting text:
- Include a title denoting which page the text is for (IE: Home page, About, etc)
- Insert a page break between each page of text
- For SEO purposes, include a focus keyword and a meta description of 156 characters or less. This description is what will be displayed in search results on Google and other search engines
- Google Docs, PDF or Microsoft .doc format are preferred
Please double check all spelling, punctuation and grammar. Text content will be posted as-is, and we will not be held responsible for these type of errors in your text copy.